Algeria Telephone Directory

Trace Algeria Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 138 Algeria Businesses on Pincode 15019. Algeria has a population of 42,008,054 and there are thousands of businesses in Algeria whose numbers are available for Algeria Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Algeria Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 138 businesses number on pincode 15019 in Algeria.

Cell Number Business Name
21326466093 Ets AHRAS
213557647331 Habillement Hommes EL Djaouhara
213557043177 Parfumerie La Petite Rose
21326158635 Superette Tigzirt sur mer "Sup Tigzirt"
213550319395 Pâtisserie L'eté
213661110271 Location de voitures kenzi
213558128697 Optique Médicale Iomnium
213558393517 Tirage Plans Tigzirt
21326258367 Office du Tourisme de Tigzirt
213557435858 SMALL MARKET
21326158291 DAIRA DE TIGZIRT
213553273470 Lavage Auto YAHIAOUI
213542029288 Promotion immobilière boussaba
21326259163 EDS Boudefoua
21326258041 Auberge de Jeunesse de Tigzirt
213791511270 Les Trois Frères
213771045710 SARL djeddi immobilier
Cell Number Business Name
213550548528 Fast-Food Du Port
213770642766 Pizzeria Fast Fod La Dignité
213555591132 Le Bel Air
21326158056 Étoile de mer
+213 26 15 82 91 DAIRA DE TIGZIRT
+213 556 18 11 00 Dr RENIFFI
+213 540 65 06 38 Cabinet De Cardiologie Dr ZIDANE Brahim
+213 559 77 73 06 Cabinet médical spécialisé de pneumo-allergologie Dr KABLI Djamal
+213 699 10 33 29 Dr. Ait messaoud ep.Belkaid
+213 26 25 80 85 Hôtel Mizrana
+213 542 02 92 88 Promotion immobilière boussaba
+213 26 25 80 19 Station services Naftal
+213 791 51 12 70 Les Trois Frères
+213 26 15 85 89 Dr issiboucene mohammed
+213 771 04 57 10 SARL djeddi immobilier
+213 26 25 80 41 Auberge de Jeunesse de Tigzirt
+213 26 15 86 35 Superette Tigzirt sur mer "Sup Tigzirt"
+213 558 39 35 17 Tirage Plans Tigzirt


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Algeria like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Algeria Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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