Algeria Telephone Directory

Trace Algeria Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 277 Algeria Businesses on Pincode 16002. Algeria has a population of 42,008,054 and there are thousands of businesses in Algeria whose numbers are available for Algeria Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Algeria Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 277 businesses number on pincode 16002 in Algeria.

Cell Number Business Name
213795854898 Preciosa
213661713256 National Center Research Archeology
21323279211 Hôtel madaure
213551943200 Chaib's Cake
21321368695 Blue and White Multi
213541585008 Boutique Loulou Paris
213556640547 accessoires de meubles أكسسوارات الأثاث
21321601609 ENPI
213661511858 Obc Underwear
21323358119 CAAR 713
213553907370 Clara institut
213557230654 photographe yahya
213770102670 Essedda
21321362399 SAE-EXACT Société Algérienne d'expertise et du contrôle technique automobile
21323264842 Al Qods Papeterie
21323135664 DEO Eléctronique
21321343151 SARL Senwan Company
213560503354 Inside 360 Algérie
213549819756 La mise en déco Cheraga
213553003596 Gateaux_enchantes
213559040216 Clinica Bella Derme
213561671534 SYNETSYS SARL
21321341095 ORAFINA
213555428379 Nursery Les Merveilles Du Monde
Cell Number Business Name
213557222016 Cabinet de Comptabilité AISSA BASSAID
213776032351 agency and travel toursime The 6th continent
213554613585 GOLDEN RANGE
213552352502 Daisy Agency DZ
213557572089 KAHLAT DIGITAL
213542775759 Scalbee
213662377531 Hydronelya
213553003596 Gateaux_enchantes
213552981525 WEST SIDE GARAGE
213554702840 Bijouterie chekchak
213555626849 Urban market yum
213770600800 RI VISION
213770216621 ABS Algerian Company
21321341730 ENGISOFTNET
213559301600 Restaurant pizzeria l'aubergine
213659991599 (Lokman-tea) الشاي التمنراستي الأصيل
213661112933 Meza maison restaurant
21321374545 WA Solution
213550373493 Pièces De Rechange Land Rover - Jaguar
213541618824 Colors alger
213799482845 Siruis bijoux et accessoires
21323305341 PUREPOX Coatings
213561725460 S.FIVE GROUPE SPA
213771064291 Rosalgerina



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Algeria like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Algeria Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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